- web free handspray
- web free concentrate

web free®
Product description: Impressed Web Free® is a biodegradable product for cleaning on specific parts of buildings, objects and vessels, from seasonal biological pollution (cobwebs and faeces).
Web Free's® is admitted to the CTGB* for the differentiated maintaining policy (biocides) of the Dutch authorities. The product is non poisonous and 100% biological degradable.
User Instructions: Always wear rubber gloves. Remove any present spiders (DO NOT KILL) and webs. Before applying the product, first remove the loose dirt with a brush and water. Spray product directly without thinning, spray into seams and cracks at a temperature below 24 degrees, and allow to dry for 8 hours. Remove excess liquid (drops) to prevent staining and streaking on the surface. Carry out this application at least twice a year. For example, 1x in the period April / May / June, and 1x in the period July / August / September. For specific applications or specific situations; consult your advisor.
Usage: ca. 10-15 ml per m2
Packaging: 500 ml / 2500 ml / 5000 ml
*CTGB = (Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides)

web free® concentrate
Product description: Impressed Web Free® is a biodegradable product for cleaning on specific parts of buildings, objects and vessels, from seasonal biological pollution (cobwebs and faeces).
Spider Free's® Insect Clean is admitted to the CTGB* for the differentiated maintaining policy (biocides) of the Dutch authorities. The product is non poisonous and 100% biological degradable.
User Instructions: Dilute Web Free with (tap) water 50% (1: 1 for heavy soiling), 33% (1: 2 for normal soiling), 25% (1: 3 with light soiling). Before applying the product, first remove the loose dirt with a brush and water. Then spray with seams, corners and cracks with a plant or pressure sprayer with Impressed Web Free for optimum cleaning of the surface. Remove excess liquid (drops) to prevent staining and streaking on the surface. If the product gets on your hands, rinsing with water is sufficient. Apply at least twice a year.
Packaging: 1000 ml / 2500 ml / 5000 ml
*CTGB = (Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides)